News – Fourth Oxford Scouts

Scouts to Reopen at the 4th

Our Scout Section has been dormant since the beginning of the year but we are proud to announce that at last night’s Group AGM we were able to tell parents that Scouts will reopen on Thursday 8th June 2017. The Section’s night is changing from Friday to Thursday and will start at the earlier time…

Awards Day

Over the weekend hundreds of young people and adults converged on Youlbury to take part in the annual Scouting awards day. From the Fourth Oxford we had 15 Beavers and 3 Cubs receiving awards.  Bronze Chief Scout Awards for the Beavers and Silver Chief Scout Awards for the Cubs. After the ceremony the young people…

Unfortunately more vandalism

We were once more visited by vandals over the evening of 8th May 2017.  Cubs ended around 8:30pm and by 7:30pm the following day we had discovered one of our boarded-up windows had been ripped off and the remaining glass smashed in (along with the internal boarding) covering the hall with broken glass shards and…

Vandalism of the 4th Oxford Scout HQ

We have been the unfortunate recipients of some unwanted attention from the local vandals who have smashed the small window into the girls toilet and thrown through in some large lumps of concrete smashing the toilet bowl.  This has put the girls toilet out of action for the last week of our summer term, but…

New academic year, new challenges

As all of the sections of the Fourth Oxford Scout Group prepare to return after the summer break there’s lots to look forward to. For Cubs 2016 is a very special year.  The Wolf Cubs were formed in 1916 so in 2016 we are celebrating the Cub Centenary.  There are special events, fun days and…